Striped dolphin

The striped dolphins are usually quite shy and so we often see them from behind. But they shoot through the water with maximum potency and clearly show what power they have…


Striped doplphin (Stenella coeruleoalba)

Height: 180- 220 cm

Weight: 80 – 165 kg

Prey: Fish and squid

Characteristics: Distinct darker colouration of the back, compared to juvenile spotted dolphins, but not as sharp as the cape of common dolphins. The line markings on the sides are distinctive, but only visible when jumping. The best identifying feature is the shy behaviour.



Striped doplphin (Stenella coeruleoalba)

Babies are born after a gestation period of about 9 – 11 months (at 85 – 90 cm). Striped dolphins reach sexual maturity at about 180 – 190 cm after about 5 – 7 years and can live to be 58 years old.

Behaviour and distribution:

Striped doplphin (Stenella coeruleoalba)

We tend to observe this deep-sea species in the winter months, sometimes in large groups of up to several hundred animals. On the eastern islands they are much more common all year round. There they strand most frequently of all cetaceans, especially in spring.

When approaching, they usually move away. Their food consists of cephalopods, fish and crustaceans.